Saturday, 6 March 2010

Toasted Cheese, Tea and Sticky Endings

Before I start, I would like to take a minute to remember those who died and have been displaced from their homes, during that terrible earthquake in Chile. The British Red Cross has launched a Chile Earthquake Appeal and I would encourage everyone to dip into their pockets and make a donation at

If a May 6th election takes place as predicted, it is now 9 weeks until election day and I have just completed my 7th week at Stewart Jackson's Campaign HQ in Peterborough. It appears I was correct in my hypothesis, that the Conservative lead would continue to fall. This includes marginal seats which the Conservatives insisted would carry them to victory. One must begin to ask, what is David Cameron to do now?

The ladies and I managed to work our way through yet another load of literature this week. In previous sessions, we had all been peeling the labels, sticking them on and then stuffing in a prepaid envelope. We have since found it more efficient for the ladies to stuff the envelopes and me to peel and stick on the labels. So the process of peel stick stuff, peel stick stuff, has transformed into peel stick, peel stick, peel stick... I swear I catch myself doing it in my sleep. The monotony was halted briefly on Tuesday when I was invited out for toasted cheese sandwiches by one of the City Councillors and yesterday (Friday), Stewart was kind enough to make me a cup of tea. Very generous of them I thought. :-) So nice to feel that our elected representatives don't view such things as beneath them.

My hard work was rewarded when I was informed that I would be taken off sticking and stuffing next week and to continue my current task of inputting those who said they will be voting by post this year. We would then cross-reference these people with voting intentions and send letters to encourage Conservative leaning constituents to do just that. As I was leaving the office this evening, I was also told my communications plan has been passed on to Stewart. This is fantastic news but nervous times await... Could this be my big break?

Today, my sister has been given the day off work which is wonderful news as it is such a rarity. Both she and my brother in law will be coming over for curry in the evening. I do really enjoy it when the family are all together; they mean so much to me.         

Finally, coming to a blogspot near you, are two articles, one which addresses the Equalities Bill; criticised by Baroness Warsi in the House of Lords last Tuesday and the other, 'Whatever Happened to Leadership?', a discussion centred on climate change.

Watch this space and have a great weekend

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